Policy Monitor

5 Steps to Sound Cyber Security

Smaller organisations are used to changing and adapting but even the most flexible have been tested in 2020.  Ironically, criminal elements have been quick to adapt their businesses, adding many Covid-19 related attacks to their arsenal.  Doing little or nothing to offset these risks and hoping that a cyber-attack “won’t happen to me” is not a responsible option. Defending an organisation from cyber threats doesn’t need to be complex, costly or confusing. Here are 5 steps to help you get organised and ensure your cyber security defences are up to the job.

5 Steps to Sound Cyber Security قراءة المزيد »

Get serious about cyber security or risk missing out on lucrative tenders

Failing to take cyber security seriously could cost SMEs more than they realise. At a time of increased cyber threats, organisations expect suppliers to step up and evidence their cyber security credentials. Guy Lloyd at Policy Monitor explains 3 simple steps to certification that could ensure your tender bid is not rejected

Get serious about cyber security or risk missing out on lucrative tenders قراءة المزيد »

Covid-19 related cyber scams – 3 ways SMEs can better protect their business

Cyber criminals are exploiting concerns over Coronavirus to perpetrate cyber-attacks. Guy Lloyd at Policy Monitor explains the 3 steps SMEs can take to proactively protect their business and their data.

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us the importance of hand hygiene and now there is a need for greater cyber hygiene. As our day-to-day lives have changed, so too has the security threat landscape. With many workers remotely accessing vital business applications from home, security risks have inevitably increased. Cyber criminals have no morals or ethics and don’t stop their activities even for a global pandemic. In fact, attacks have stepped up as the bad guys find ways to exploit our fears to perpetrate cyber-attacks.

Covid-19 related cyber scams – 3 ways SMEs can better protect their business قراءة المزيد »

GDPR – Keeping personal data safe and secure

Protecting personal data is at the heart of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) but there remains confusion between gaining permissions to hold and process this data, and protecting it from theft or compromise.  Guy Lloyd at Policy Monitor explains how understanding and protecting personal data is core to GDPR compliance.Almost 2 years on from the introduction of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) many business owners still lack knowledge about the consequences of not adequately protecting personal data. GDPR isn’t an optional requirement, it is enshrined in UK law in the Data Protection Act 2018. This lack of understanding of the legal necessity to protect personal data is proving costly to business . Since the introduction of GDPR, EU data protection authorities have fined organisations a total of €114 million.

GDPR – Keeping personal data safe and secure قراءة المزيد »

Do you know your SOC from your SIEM and more importantly where security compliance and regulation fit in?

It is widely accepted that enterprise cyber-attacks are inevitable – it’s not a question of if but when. However, in the age of GDPR all organisations need to have a defined approach for when a breach occurs, or risk falling foul of regulation. Guy Lloyd, Director at Policy Monitor looks at the tools available to keep abreast of the threat landscape and explains the importance of having a response strategy

Do you know your SOC from your SIEM and more importantly where security compliance and regulation fit in? قراءة المزيد »