Policy Monitor


Law Firms and Cyber Security: the 4 most common cyber threats

Data breaches are becoming more prevalent and the legal sector is a favoured target, and is falling victim to cyber-attacks at an alarming rate. Guy Lloyd at Policy Monitor explains the 4 most common cyber threats and why the legal sector should step up its focus on cyber security.

5 Steps to Sound Cyber Security

Smaller organisations are used to changing and adapting but even the most flexible have been tested in 2020.  Ironically, criminal elements have been quick to adapt their businesses, adding many Covid-19 related attacks to their arsenal.  Doing little or nothing to offset these risks and hoping that a cyber-attack “won’t happen to me” is not a responsible option. Defending an organisation from cyber threats doesn’t need to be complex, costly or confusing. Here are 5 steps to help you get organised and ensure your cyber security defences are up to the job.

How to use the CSPM infographic

In this digital age managing cyber security, regulation and compliance is a significant part of operating every business. Just to complicate things further since the introduction of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) any business that handles customer and supplier data needs to have security controls in place to protect that data.

Get serious about cyber security or risk missing out on lucrative tenders

Failing to take cyber security seriously could cost SMEs more than they realise. At a time of increased cyber threats, organisations expect suppliers to step up and evidence their cyber security credentials. Guy Lloyd at Policy Monitor explains 3 simple steps to certification that could ensure your tender bid is not rejected

Questions to ask your MSP about your security

Malicious attacks on managed service providers (MSP) are on the increase. Hackers are infiltrating MSP networks enticed by the chance to victimise multiple companies with just one hack. Guy Lloyd explains the impact and highlights the questions all SMEs should be asking their service provider