Policy Monitor

Cyber Security

Is your organisation small enough to be ignored by cyber criminals?

With research showing that British businesses faced the equivalent of one attempted cyberattack every 43 seconds in late summer 2023, Nick Denning, CEO of Policy Monitor, looks at whether any organisation is small enough to be ignored by cyber criminals. A record number of cyberattacks Beaming, the ISP which provides voice and data solutions, publishes

Is your organisation small enough to be ignored by cyber criminals? Read More »

Stay vigilant against cyber risks – cyber security cannot be a one-off exercise

For many organisations, thinking about cyber security has been an irregular exercise triggered when high profile cyberattacks make the headlines. Brokers may have offered Cyber Security insurance as a bolt on at the annual insurance review to ‘plug any gaps’ then the topic, and the threat falls off the management agenda. Nick Denning, CEO of

Stay vigilant against cyber risks – cyber security cannot be a one-off exercise Read More »