Policy Monitor

Why cyber security should be on every board’s priority list and the 3 steps needed to stay safe online

While many issues have gained importance due to the pandemic, Nick Denning, CEO, Policy Monitor, explains why no board can afford to let cyber security slip down the priority list. Cyber-attacks are a constant concern for organisations both large and small, with a study revealing that 68%[1] of business leaders feel their risks are increasing. […]

Why cyber security should be on every board’s priority list and the 3 steps needed to stay safe online Read More »

Mind the Gap: a lack of cyber security skills is leaving SMEs exposed

Almost half of UK businesses have a basic cyber security gap that is leaving them exposed. This stark reality was revealed in a report from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)[i]. It found that the people responsible for cyber security in 48% of UK businesses lack the confidence to carry out basic

Mind the Gap: a lack of cyber security skills is leaving SMEs exposed Read More »

Eight smart strategies to help SMEs protect themselves against cyber-attacks

Report after report and survey after survey is highlighting the ongoing and increasing cyber threats facing organisations, especially SMEs. Therefore, what practical steps can your business take to protect itself and increase operational resilience? How big are the threats? This year the World Economic Forum identified cyber security failure as one of the top 5

Eight smart strategies to help SMEs protect themselves against cyber-attacks Read More »

Policy Monitor brings CSPM to London’s International Cyber Expo 2022, 27 – 28 September

Policy Monitor will launch Cyber Security Policy Monitor (CSPM) at this year’s International Cyber Expo in London. CSPM is a simple and cost-effective cloud-based solution that helps measure, manage and monitor an organisation’s cyber security workflow and compliance. The information security management system gives cyber security peace of mind to organisations of all sizes, including

Policy Monitor brings CSPM to London’s International Cyber Expo 2022, 27 – 28 September Read More »

The need for change: Protect your organisation against cyber threats with revamped Cyber Essentials

In early 2022 the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) introduced a major overhaul of Cyber Essentials technical controls to reflect changes in technology since the programme’s launch in 2014.  In this article Nick Denning, CEO of Policy Monitor outlines the need for change and how the latest Cyber Essentials can help protect your organisation.  A

The need for change: Protect your organisation against cyber threats with revamped Cyber Essentials Read More »

Cybersecurity is complex – but it doesn’t need to be costly or complicated

Knowing where to start with cybersecurity can be overwhelming, Nick Denning at Policy Monitor explains how SMEs can take some simple steps to protect themselves against common threats without breaking the bank. The pandemic tested the business resilience of every organisation. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) had to maximise their digital footprint to keep

Cybersecurity is complex – but it doesn’t need to be costly or complicated Read More »

Anti-Slavery Policy Statement

1            Executive Summary Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Policy

Anti-Slavery Policy Statement Read More »

The ugly truth: the real cost of cyber breaches to SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) rarely trigger national headlines for breaches in data security and compliance, not because they aren’t a target but because the monetary impact is small compared to the big corporations.  However, breaches are all too common and while the cost of cyber breaches to SMEs, including the impact to business operations, remediation work and resultant fines, may not run into millions, it can do untold damage. SMEs are agile and lean in their business operations, and so unbudgeted costs can severely impact finances.

The ugly truth: the real cost of cyber breaches to SMEs Read More »

Cyber security is everyone’s responsibility

SMEs form a critical component of a business supply chain, yet ironically, they can also be the weakest link. Guy Lloyd at Policy Monitor explains why SMEs need to step up their cyber resilience

Organisations at the top of the supply chain rely on a nimble network of SMEs to provide niche products. This unique status provides SMEs with disproportionate access to important information. So, while it might be the big-name brands that generate attention grabbing headlines about data breaches, it can be the weak security credentials of smaller organisations that expose the entire chain.

Cyber security is everyone’s responsibility Read More »